Web Hosting

Website Hosting and Maintenance managed by experts.  Rates as low as $40 a month, and you can cancel at any time.

Easily Transfer Your Hosting

You have a website.  Things are going great, but the hosting and maintenance costs are killing your bottom line.  

Contrary to what your current hosting company may tell you,  its not that hard to transfer your website.   

90% of the websites we transfer are done seamlessly and with low downtime.  Most of the time less than a half hour.

Hosting is More Important Than It Seems

Website hosting is a service that enables individuals and businesses to make their websites accessible on the Internet. Website hosting is essential for ensuring that your website is available to visitors at any time, allowing people to easily access your content, products, or services. 

You can upload your site and leave it but eventually issues will arise that will either bring your site down or render it unusable.  Intensive Edge does more than just host your website.

Diagnostic Solutions

In cases of unexpected site malfunctions or visual inconsistencies, our adept team excels in swiftly pinpointing and diagnosing the underlying issues.

Effective Problem Resolution

Once the root cause has been identified, our skilled team engages in proactive measures to efficiently resolve the problem. Following the resolution, we provide a comprehensive report detailing the steps taken.

Modernizing Outdated Technologies, PHP Included

If your website faces challenges due to outdated technologies, hindering updates and performance, we undertake the task of modernizing and replacing these technologies with up-to-date solutions.

Comprehensive Plugin Upgrades

Our essential hosting package encompasses crucial plugin updates, vital for fortifying site security. With our Wave+ membership, all-encompassing plugin updates are included, accommodating feature enrichments and bug rectifications.

WordPress Core Enhancements

To ensure the continued vitality and endurance of your website, WordPress core updates are imperative. Just as regular car maintenance preserves vehicle health, secure hosting and updates are the digital equivalent.

Enhanced Site Performance

In cases of unexpected site malfunctions or visual inconsistencies, our adept team excels in swiftly pinpointing and diagnosing the underlying issues.